The long-awaited and excitedly anticipated building project finally got off the starting blocks this month. The hoardings went up on a lovely summer’s day, and since then building contractors have been extremely busy clearing the grounds and demolishing the old music cabin. The site has already changed dramatically within a month.
The new development will feature a fantastic two-storey, six-classroom block with changing areas, a further two-storey extension to our main hall which will accommodate two further classrooms and a kitchen, as well as additional outdoor play areas and learning spaces. With sustainability very much in mind, the buildings will be are fitted with air source heat pumps and the roof covered in solar panels. We are planting lots of trees and improving other habitats to deliver a biodiversity net gain of over 10%, including bat and bird boxes to encourage the proliferation of species.
Children joined Head Teacher Julia Foulger and other key staff for the first official ‘dig’. Now is where the real work begins and we can really see how the land is taking shape. As the weeks progress it will become easier to visualise how the new building will slot in with the original building. It’s been a noisy week but the children have been terrific at not letting it disturb their learning.
It’s so important to us as a school that we involve the children in this project as together we are building their future, and we can’t wait to see the finishing development in summer 2025.